

Impress is the publishing company behind Japan’s most-accessed digital news service ‘Impress Watch’, as well as many other computer- and technology-related books and magazines. Some examples of our most popular publications are the “Dekiru” series of computer guides, which have sold over 75 million copies, and Digital Camera Magazine.


PC applications/ Digital devices/ Online services/ Online content production/ Programming/ Network technologies/ Cameras & photography/ Certification examinations, etc.

Publisher's Recommendations

見てわかる、迷わず決まる配色アイデア 3色だけでセンスのいい色

Decisive Colour Scheme Ideas: Visually Appealing 3-Color Combinations

Written by ingectar-e

Genre : Art/Design
Language : Japanese
Price : 1,800 JPY
Pages : 224 pages
Size : A5
ISBN : 9784295008897

Get inspired with this colour scheme book full of colour combinations consisting of only 3 colours. This book is very useful for designers who have trouble choosing colors.

おやすみ絵本 ねむりの王国のクウ

Sleeping Kingdom Kuu

Written by Hideaki Yanaga/Illustrated by Makiko Inatome

Genre : Children’s Book
Language : Japanese
Price : 1,400 JPY
Pages : 48 pages
Size : B5
ISBN : 9784295011361

This is the perfect picture book for putting your child to bed. The author, a psychotherapist, incorporates cutting-edge psychological research and techniques throughout the book, which is designed to help children relax and feel sleepy in 5 minutes when read. Reading the book will also help your child to grow up to be good, energetic, and healthy. Furthermore, it is also effective for adults who suffer from insomnia.
This pleasant book tells the story of Kuu, a kitten that has many adventures around the Sleeping Kingdom in his quest to become a better child. Illustrations are by Makiko Inatome, whose gentle touch soothes the hearts of viewers.


Medicine for the Camera Maniac

Written by Tomoki Iida

Genre : Camera
Language : Japanese
Price : 1,180 JPY
Pages : 128 pages
Size : A5
ISBN : 9784295013686

Welcome down the lens rabbit hole! This comic is about a camera physician who deals with patients who have developed a love of cameras. The “medicine” he prescribes? Lenses that match their symptoms! This is a book that both beginners and old camera fans will enjoy reading.

できるWindows 11

Dekiru(Easy to Use) : Windows 11

Written by Takayuki Hourin / Kenno Ichigaya / Masashi Shimizu

Genre : Computer
Language : Japanese
Price : 1,000 JPY
Pages : 336 pages
Size : B5 deformation
ISBN : 9784295012801

This book is a well-balanced introduction to Windows 11, including basic operations and convenient usage. The "Dekiru" series is the best-selling computer instruction books in Japan,using plenty of screen shots so that even beginners can understand the flow of operations. Over 75 million copies sold.


Learn the Basics of Python in One Week.

Written by Kenji Kameda

Genre : Computer
Language : Japanese
Price : 2,400 JPY
Pages : 328 pages
Size : A5
ISBN : 9784295008538

Even if you're new to programming, you'll learn to use a little Python in a week! As you read through this book, you will learn the basics of programming & Python by entering sample programming together.

すみません 素人でも仕事の写真を上手に撮影する方法ってないですか?できればスマホで

Excuse Me, Is There Any Way For An Amateur To Take Good Product Photos?

Written by Naomi Yajima

Genre : Camera
Language : Japanese
Price : 1,600 JPY
Pages : 160 pages
Size : A5
ISBN : 9784295014034

This book shares photography know-how that enables even beginners with no camera knowledge to take enticing product photos— with nothing but a single smartphone! Simply follow the techniques in this book to take photos that convey product appeal.

絵で見て学べる! お金ってなんだろう?

Learning from Pictures: What Is Money?

Written by Michiko Izumi

Genre : Education
Language : Japanese
Price : 1,300 JPY
Pages : 128 pages
Size : A5
ISBN : 9784295010821

Seeking to introduce children to financial education, this book educates children about the five important aspects of financial literacy: the value of money, saving money, spending money, money troubles, and earning money, using money-related questions and everyday events.


How Do You Take A Picture Like This?

Written by Emiko Morishita

Genre : Camera
Language : Japanese
Price : 1,600 JPY
Pages : 144 pages
Size : B5 deformation
ISBN : 9784295007494

Written for people who have taken pictures with smartphones and digital cameras but cannot take good pictures, this book does not use technical terms, and uses humorous, lighthearted manga to help readers solve their problems.

Photoshopよくばり入門 CC対応(できるよくばり入門)

Photoshop Well-Behaved Introduction for CC

Written by senatsu

Genre : Computer
Language : Japanese
Price : 1,980 JPY
Pages : 272 pages
Size : B5
ISBN : 9784295012429

This book is a beginner's guide to the image editing software Adobe Photoshop. It explains not only basic operations but also retouching techniques that can be used in practice with beautiful examples.

パワポdeデザイン PowerPointっぽさを脱却する新しいアイデア

New Ideas to Break Out of PowerPoint Design

Written by Arata Suga

Genre : Computer
Language : Japanese
Price : 1,800 JPY
Pages : 176 pages
Size : B5
ISBN : 9784295012726

You can learn how to express yourself in a stylish way while breaking away from PowerPoint-ness. By learning the necessary techniques through the author's attractive examples, you will be able to create slides, posters, videos, thumbnails, and more with ease.

Kubernetes完全ガイド 第2版

The Complete Guide to Kubernetes, 2nd Edition

Written by Masaya Aoyama

Genre : Computer
Language : Japanese
Price : 4,000 JPY
Pages : 680 pages
Size : B5 deformation
ISBN : 9784295009795

Kubernetes is a container orchestration engine that automates the deployment, scaling, and other management of containerized applications. This book provides a comprehensive coverage of Kubernetes and the features used by application developers and infrastructure engineers.


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