Ikaros Publications

Ikaros Publications


From information on airlines, flights and airports, to writings that will interest those currently or hoping to work in the aviation industry, whether it is as a pilot, maintenance crew, cabin crew or others, the books and magazines by Ikaros Publications are a rich source of information for aviation fans and industry insiders. It also produces specialist publications on genres such as military matters, railways, rescue, and travel.


Aviation/ Railways/ Military/ Travel/ Languages/ Firefighting & rescue/ Outdoor sports · Sky sports/ Toy models/ Cooking, etc.

Publisher's Recommendations

航空の世界 1973-2000 

The World of Aviation 1973-2000

Written by Luke H. Ozawa

Genre : Aviation
Language : Japanese
Price : 2,182 JPY
Pages : 144 pages
Size : B5
ISBN : 9784802211185

Through the work of Luke Ozawa, a prominent figure in the world of airplane photography, this book looks back at the aviation world from 1973, when Ozawa first became interested in aviation, to 2000, just before the 21st century.

消防のための 除染の教科書

Decontamination textbook for firefighters

Written by Masahiko Hamada

Genre : Fire Fighting
Language : Japanese
Price : 2,500 JPY
Pages : 120 pages
Size : B5
ISBN : 9784802211406

The author, who specialized in the field of chemistry in the Ground Self-Defense Force, explains in detail the effectiveness and practical techniques of decontamination based on PRISM (proposed by Prof. Chilcott). This is the only text in Japan that specializes in "decontamination" and delves deeply into the subject.

STRATOSPHERE 佐竹政夫 ミリタリー・アートワークス2

STRATOSPHERE : Masao Satake Military Art Works 2

Written by Masao Satake

Genre : Illustration
Language : Japanese
Price : 3,000 JPY
Pages : 130 pages
Size : A4
ISBN : 9784802211444

Masao Satake is a master of aviation art, known for his cover illustrations for Tom Clancy's paperbacks and box art for various plastic models. This is the second volume of an full-color collection of Satake's weapons and aircraft illustrations.


OZEAN PRINZESSIN : Takeshi Nogami Art Collection [Sea Edition]

Written by Takeshi Nogami

Genre : Manga Character Book
Language : Japanese
Price : 3,000 JPY
Pages : 148 pages
Size : A4
ISBN : 9784802210935

Takeshi Nogami is the mastermind behind many works in the “moe military” genre, which combines military themes with young, pretty female characters. Such works include “Girls und Panzer: Ribbon Warriors”, “Shiden Kai no Maki”, “Soukai no Seiki”, “Moe yo! Tank School” and many more.
Filled with magnificent romance in the form of Nogami’s illustrations of ships conquering the vast o cean, and beautiful women and girls who are full of life. About 135 illustrations can be enjoyed in a large A4 size.

MEMORIES くーろくろ画集

MEMORIES : Kuurokuro Art Collection

Written by kuurokuro

Genre : Manga Character Book
Language : Japanese
Price : 2,727 JPY
Pages : 140 pages
Size : A4
ISBN : 9784802211147

A collection of works by Kuurokuro, the artist behind many illustrations that blend gadgets, weapons, and beautiful girls, including anthropomorphic weapon girls!
Popular characters such as the aircraft carrier Saratoga, the destroyer Maya, the Leclerc, and the F-16 Fighting Falcon are all back!

新幹線車両大全 全面改定版

Shinkansen Train Car Compendium (Fully revised edition)

Written by Matsuo Tomita

Genre : Vehicle
Language : Japanese
Price : 3,400 JPY
Pages : 306 pages
Size : A4 deformation
ISBN : 9784802205986

This must-have for all Shinkansen fans is an encyclopedia of all about Shinkansen trains from history to the present day. The details of each train type, such as their operating routes, car r iage per formance, and distinctive trains are presented in easy-to-see and easy-to-understand explanations.

和牛 繁殖経営の教科書

Textbook of Wagyu Breeding Management

Written by Takuya Negishi

Genre : Dairy Farm
Language : Japanese
Price : 4,182 JPY
Pages : 266 pages
Size : B6
ISBN : 9784802211079

This is the first business book in Japan written by a second-generation Wagyu breeding president about beef cattle management, a topic that has not been discussed much until now. This book will be of great help to successors and newcomers to Wagyu cattle breeding.


Coast Defence Battleship

Written by Moji Hashimoto

Genre : Battle ship
Language : Japanese
Price : 4,500 JPY
Pages : 356 pages
Size : AB
ISBN : 9784802211727

With a focus on the “battleship” aspects of coast defence battleships, this book details the design, construction, and operation of all the coast defense battleships in history with more than 400 photographs and over 150 ship type and turret drawings.


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